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Tag: fremont

The Ascending Sheep & Ferron Box

San Rafael Swell Rock Art I
Saturday, April 23, 2011

The weekend following my long week in The Maze and on Cedar Mesa I was ready to head back out and search for some rock art. This time Amanda and I headed back to the San Rafael Swell so that we could attempt to visit the Ascending Sheep Panel and the Ferron Box panels. Back in March Dave and I had attempted to get to the Ascending Sheep Panel, but the snow we got that day slowed us down and we ran out of time after spending most of the day in Short Canyon. This time we also got snowed on in the morning, but not enough to slow us down too much, but just enough to get my Jeep dirty and our shoes muddy.


From the Maze to the Mesa

The Maze and the Mesa | Day 4
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

On our forth day Under the Ledge, we awoke to an awesome sunrise. The colors in the sky were just amazing! I quickly hopped out of my tent and grabbed my camera for a photo. When I got my shot composed, I realized that I had taken the battery out the previous night to charge in the Jeep and hadn’t replaced it! I ran back to the Jeep and grabbed the fully charged battery, but missed the best colors of the sunrise in the process. Here’s the shot I managed to get before all of the colors disappeared.


Dry Fork – McConkie Ranch

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Finally! I have wanted to get up to Dry Fork to check out the petroglyphs and pictographs on the McConkie Ranch for quite a while. So on Saturday, Amanda and I drove up there for a nice day trip. These amazing rock art panels are located on private property north of Vernal, but the McConkie Ranch has created two trails that allow the public to visit them. I’d like to thank the McConkie Ranch for allowing the public to access the rock art located on their property!

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