Sunday, December 26, 2010
Amanda had to work on Sunday, so I was on my own to find something to do. As I have been doing lately, I decided to head back to Moab in search of some more rock art. On my drive to Moab down the Colorado River Road, I was treated to an excellent sunrise. I just had to pull over and get a photo.

My big goal for the day was to find the Moab Maiden (aka Moab Princess) petroglyph, so that was my first destination. Thanks to some information from a new friend, I was able to quickly locate her.

Soon after I arrived, the sunlight started creeping down the boulder.

After searching the area for more rock art and coming up empty, I decided to head over to Kane Creek Canyon and search the walls for some more petroglyphs. I quickly spotted some high up on the canyon wall and scrambled up to them.
The Family

A Lone Anthropomorph

Small interesting figure

After photographing the petroglyphs I initially spotted, I decided to walk along the canyon walls in search of more rock art. Luckily, I was not disappointed.

I came across this large panel


A closer look at the detailed head

Lone Sheep

Another panel further down

Expanded Sheep

Many Sheep

After climbing back down to my Jeep, I continued on down Kane Creek Road to find a few more small panels located on boulders just off the road.

By the time I was finished up in Kane Creek, I noticed some clouds had rolled in and the lighting conditions were better to photograph the Moab Maiden….so I headed back.

Next up I headed past Faux falls and over Flat Pass to another panel of rock art. Unfortunately, this panel was heavily vandalized. I did spot this small figure high above the rest of the panel, though.

This section wasn’t in too bad of shape, either

From there I headed north out of Moab again to find one large anthropomorph I had missed a few weeks back. Along the way I stopped at the Fishman again.

Then I found the large but faded anthropomorph I was looking for, staring down at me.

I still had some more daylight left, so I made my way over to the Corona Arch trailhead and found a few more petroglyph panels on some boulders nearby. These were also heavily vandalized

I believe this one is called The Crane

Afterwards I grabbed some dinner in town and headed back home. Definitely another great day searching out rock art