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Tag: balcony arch

Behind The Rocks

Christmas Weekend | Saturday & Sunday, December 22-23, 2018

After going on a day hike into the backcountry of Arches National Park last Saturday by myself, Diane and I planned a last minute trip to spend this weekend together around Moab. We drove over to Moab on Saturday morning and then went out arch-hunting, hiking, four-wheeling and just generally exploring the Behind The Rocks area west of Spanish Valley for the entire weekend. On Saturday I wanted to revisit a few nice arches that I had not seen since I drove through Pritchett Canyon way back in 2006, plus I wanted to find a few new ones. On Sunday we hiked up Pritchett Canyon from the bottom so we could visit Halls Bridge Arch since we were not able to get down to it from above the day before. The weather on Saturday was very nice with clear blue skies, plenty of sunshine and temperatures in the lower 50’s, while Sunday morning was mostly overcast during most of our hike and a bit colder, too.

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Easter Jeep Safari Weekend | Friday

Friday, April 10, 2009

I had it all this last weekend…sun, dust, rain, snow, sleet and hail. The weekend started out on Friday morning for me with a quick trip to the vendor show at the Old Spanish Trail Arena. From there I gassed up and headed south of Moab, away from the EJS crowds. My destination on this dry and sunny day was to explore some of the trails in the Cameo Cliffs North area.

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