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Category: Exploring

Leaving Colorado

IntrepidXpedition 2007 | Day 10
Saturday, July 28, 2007

When I woke up on that Saturday morning, I had been in Colorado for 9 full days. It was finally time to head out and move on to Utah. My destination for this day was the La Sal Mountains and Moab, Utah. I was planning on getting there via the Castleton-Gateway Road. In order to get to Gateway, I needed to cross over the passes to the Telluride side. I knew Black Bear still wasn’t opened yet, but had heard Ophir Pass was open again, so I decided to give Ophir a second chance. When I made it to the pass this time around, the road closed signs were gone, so I continued on down the other side towards the little town of Ophir.

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Grand Junction Exploring

IntrepidXpedition 2007 | Day 7 & 8
Wednesday & Thursday, July 25-26, 2007

Most of my day on Wednesday was spent at the UFWDA Annual Convention. However when we finished for the day, the only thing on my mind was heading out and exploring the area just outside of town. Right near the hotel that the convention was held at is an OHV area at the base of the Book Cliffs called The Grand Junction Desert. I started out by following 27.25 Road north. Eventually the pavement turned to gravel and then to a bumpier trail.

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