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Author: Randy Langstraat

21 Road

MoabCO Trip 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006

On Saturday my friend Wally and I drove up a trail known locally as 21 Road which travels up Hunter Canyon into the Book Cliffs. It turned out to be a pretty fun trail with a lot of fun obstacles. I added a bit of body damage to the Jeep, and almost rolled it, but nothing too serious…

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The Cliffs

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Brian (fatwreck) was in town again and wanted to do a little wheeling at The Cliffs, so we went out there today. Unfortunately it rained all last night, so the park was very wet and sloppy. The first few trails kicked my ass early on, so I had to call it a day early and rode with Zach (burnedbronco) the rest of the day. Here’s a few pictures…

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600 Acres

Saturday, February 4, 2006

I was invited by a friend to check out an off-road area near Solon, Iowa known as 600 Acres that I had never been to before. I figured I should go since it is getting closed down by the Department of Natural Resources on March 1st.

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Rockport Offroad Park

Saturday, January 21, 2006

After hitting the trails over at TRL WGN’s place in the morning, I drove over to Rockport Offroad Park to drive a few more trails in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anyone there to wheel with, so I headed off on my own. Since it had rained the night before I stuck to the medium-difficulty trails since they were all muddy and slick. I did manage to cover quite a bit of the park by myself, though. Here are a few pictures I took while I was there.

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