Moab Area Rock Art V | Sunday, February 27, 2011
On Sunday the weather forecast called for 60% chance of snow in Moab. Grand Junction and Moab had the same forecast on Saturday as well, so I figured they would be wrong again and I made my way over to Moab. It was a good decision because it turned out to be a perfect day for hiking! I’m glad I didn’t stay home. My destination for the day was to hike the Hidden Valley trail into the Behind the Rocks area to find some petroglyphs. This trail has been on ...

Moab Area Rock Art III | Sunday, January 30, 2011
On Sunday I headed back to Moab to search out some rock art in Mill Creek Canyon. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to hike up canyon as far as I had hoped because the water was too high and it was pretty cold out, but I did manage to get to these boulders which are covered in petroglyphs.
Moab Area Rock Art II | Saturday, January 29, 2011
On Saturday, Amanda and I headed back to Moab in search of rock art. We headed to Kane Creek Canyon and climbed up a side canyon filled with petroglyphs. We ended up hiking all the way over to Pritchett Canyon. Here’s a few photos from our hike.
Moab Area Rock Art I | Saturday, January 22, 2011
On Saturday, Amanda and I headed down to Moab to search out some new petroglyphs along the Colorado River, plus to revisit some that we’ve been to many times before. It always seems that no matter how many times I visit these areas, I always find something new. Here’s some photos of just some of the petroglyphs we found throughout the day.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Amanda had to work on Sunday, so I was on my own to find something to do. As I have been doing lately, I decided to head back to Moab in search of some more rock art. On my drive to Moab down the Colorado River Road, I was treated to an excellent sunrise. I just had to pull over and get a photo.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
After my detour into the Book Cliffs I was back on the road towards Moab for the rest of the day. The Colorado River Road was covered with snow so I didn’t make as good of time as I usually do, but I did stop for a few photos in Professor Valley on the way…
Sunday, November 28, 2010
On Sunday Amanda needed to stay home and work on her homework all day, and she wanted me out of the house so that I would not bother her. I decided to hop in the Jeep and head towards Moab so that I could search for some more new rock art and visit some sites I had not been to in a few years. I’m not going to post a long detailed trip report on this one, I’ll just post some pictures I took throughout the day. Enjoy!
Southern Utah Wanderings 2010 | Day 5
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wednesday…another day and another morning of waiting in the tent until the rain stopped. Luckily, once it stopped, the sky actually started to clear up and the sun came out as we were packing up camp. From camp we headed down the Colorado River to the trailhead for Corona Arch. This hike was on my to-do list for this year and I was planning on hiking it in November, but since we were here unexpectedly I figured it would be a good time to check it out. Our goals ...